Repeated Coursework: Graduate Students

The Department of Education has implemented regulations governing repeated coursework effective July 1, 2011, per federal regulations (Title 34 CFR Section 668.2). The regulations have been implemented to improve the pace of graduation completion for students, which in turn should reduce loan indebtedness and preserve grant funding levels.

Repeating courses may significantly impact Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and eligibility for Title IV federal financial aid and institutional aid. Grades of D or better in repeated courses will be counted as earned credits. All course repeats will count as attempted credits and be used in the quantitative and maximum time frame components of the SAP policy. Students should consult with a financial aid advisor before registering for a repeated course. Students may be full-time or part-time.

The rules regarding repeated coursework will further impact recipients of Title IV federal financial aid funding. Students are allowed to repeat coursework under these circumstances for federal financial aid, Reference: Title 34 CFR Section 668.2(b):

  • May repeat a previously passed course only once (and receive aid for the repeated course). Federal financial aid applicable for students cannot be applied for any previously passed course that has been repeated more than once.
  • May repeat a failed course until it is passed with eligible federal financial aid.
  • May not repeat a previously passed course due only to a student's failure to pass other coursework.

See the following examples for how the Repeated Coursework Policy affects financial aid:

Example 1: A student has received an F in a class. The student receives an F in the same class next semester, and the semester following that. Financial aid will count those courses toward enrollment for programs that require certain enrollment statuses. After the fourth try, the student receives a D. The student decides to try to get a better grade next semester. The following semester, the student receives another F. Federal financial aid will no longer pay for that course for subsequent semesters.

Example 2: A student has received a C in a class. The student takes the class again in hopes of achieving a better grade, but then receives an F in the same class next semester. Federal financial aid will not pay for the course again. The student would be responsible for payment of the course if they register for it again.

The programs that New York Institute of Technology offers for which minimum grades are required and courses can be repeated include:

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Life Sciences/Physical Therapy
  • Physician Assistant Studies

Students in these programs may have one time to repeat a course in which they received a grade of C or below. Please refer to the course descriptions to determine individual courses with minimum grade requirements for these programs.

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